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- Inclusive education 2021

Inclusive education 2021
Projekttitel: Inclusive Education 2021 - Pedagogical Innovation and Organisational Resilience
Projektno.: 2019-1-AT01-KA104-050879
Duration: 36 months (01.06.2019-31.05.2022)
Erasmus+ KA1 Project: Mobility of educational staff in adult education
Ivi Education, Germany
Hamburger Arbeitsassistenz, Germany
Talenteentwicklung Missethon, Austria

What is it about?
Mobility projects in adult education are organised teaching or learning stays abroad in Europe for education staff. Mobility projects can include training courses, job shadowing or stays with partners for teaching purposes. The projects are organised by adult education institutions.
In-service training abroad adds the component of international experience to the practical skills of teachers. For professionals working in the administrative field, there are opportunities to benefit from international partners in the conceptual field of adult education. Against the background of changing social processes and in the face of educational policy challenges, the action contributes to the professionalisation of continuing education both in the personal area and in the sense of organisational development.
Within the framework of four Erasmus+ mobility projects, more than 30 atempo staff members have already been mobilised in the last six years.