Annual business reports

The atempo annual report is written in accordance with the requirements of the Social Reporting Standard (SRS).
The SRS examines the impact chain of offers from social entrepreneurs, non-profit organisations and other organisations with a social business purpose.
The SRS also systematically records and makes transparent key elements of reporting, such as organizational structure and finances.

Cover picture annual report 2021 atempo


Here you can download the annual reports. Please note: all our reports are in German.

atempo annual reports 2023
atempo annual reports 2022
atempo annual reports 2021
atempo annual reports 2020
atempo annual report 2019
atempo annual report 2018
atempo annual report 2017
atempo annual report 2016
atempo annual report 2015
atempo annual report 2014
atempo annual report 2013
atempo annual report 2012