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BErufliche BiLdung mit dem Ziel einer VErmittlung benachteiligter Jugendlicher und Erwachsener mit Unterstützung DigitalER MediEn
EC Project Number 2020-1-DE02-KA202-007573
Project title: ICT supported inclusive qualification and placement processes towards employment for people with disabilities
Duration: August 2023

Project partners
- Hamburger Arbeitsassistenz
- Arkade Pauline 13, Berufsbegleitende Dienste, Germany (project management)
- Technische Universität Graz, Austria
- atempo, Austria
- Institut für Technologie und Arbeit (ITA), Germany
- ENABLE Scotland, Scotland
- AURA Fundacio, Spain

What is the project about?
The aim of the project is to improve the social inclusion of disadvantaged young people and adults through an inclusive qualification and placement process towards work supported by IT tools.
The target group of the project includes all professionals who assist and support disadvantaged youth and adults at different points in a qualification and placement process.
Within the framework of the project, IT tools are to be tested and checked for their practical suitability. These tools will then be made accessible to the target group of professionals as a "tool box" for their work.
Get to know the project team

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Anneliese Franz, BEd
Tel.+43 (0) 316 81 47 16 25
Mob. +43 (0) 699 10452693
Mail: lisa.franz@atempo.at

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