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- Me and the Media (MeMe)

Me and the Media

Project partners:
- VSI Svietimo ir kulturos mobiliuju technologiju institutas, Lithuania
- AIAS Bologna, Italy
- University of Bologna, Italy
- atempo, Austria
- Fenacerci, Portugal
- Cercimarante, Portugal
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What does the project entail?
Project objectives:
- Improvement of the digital media competence of young adults with disabilities through interactive learning settings. The goal is to actively and constructively contribute to a more just and diverse representation of disabilities on social media.
- Knowledge gaps in the preparation and education of certified social workers and pedagogues in the field of work with people with disabilities shall be closed so that young adults with disabilities can be better supported with handling digital (and social) media.

Against discrimination and cyber mobbing
The project brought together seven organisations from Austria, Italy, Lithuania and Portugal. In the following 24 months, these organisations closely inspected and where necessary improved the opportunities, the usage behaviour and the self-portrayal (presentation) of people with disabilities on social media.
The project focuses on social media skills that are directly connected to young adults with disabilities to achieve more social inclusion and good representation on social media – and to take action against discrimination, exclusion and cyber mobbing.
Guidelines, a toolbox und a mobile game
The work of the project partners is based on a study that takes a close look at stereotypes and researches how they form and how they develop due to the democratisation of digital media.
With this knowledge, young adults with disabilities based in Lithuania, Italy, Portugal and Austria shall be included in the organisation and implementation of “Social Media Training Labs”. “Social Media Training Labs” are physical places, in which peer groups consisting of people with disabilities come together to discuss their social media consumption and their participation in social networks.
The creation of the "MeMe-Guidelines" and a "MeMe-Toolbox" is also part of the project. The focus lies on the inclusion of young adults with disabilities. Hence, the guidelines and the toolbox are being created in a co-creation process. A training program for pedagogues, certified social workers and assistants in the field of work with people with disabilities round off the project additionally.
In addition, on top of all products mentioned priorly, a mobile game will be developed. Said mobile game shall encourage adults to interactive learning.

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