STDE - Strategies for Teaching in a Digital Era (STDE)

An Erasmus+ Project

Projektnr.: 2019-1-LT01-KA204-060697, Duration: 24 months (1 September 2019 - 31 August 2021)

Erasmus+ KA2 project "STDE - Strategies for Teaching in a Digital Era"

What is the project about?

Digital tools, social media and information and communication technologies are omnipresent in the daily lives of our students.
Digital teaching is shaping the world on its way to 2030.

But how will teachers effectively use digital tools to teach future generations digital-critical thinking skills? Teaching methods used by teachers may not be effective if they are not based on a solid pedagogical understanding.

Therefore, the STDE project aims to ensure the best possible use of technology in the classroom. It will design a teacher training programme based on a solid pedagogical foundation, which takes into account the ever-changing needs and thus places great emphasis on a carefully designed methodology.

Manual of methods and training modules

The project will produce a methodology manual and various training modules, which will be disseminated via an online platform, all of which can be used as "Open Educational Resources". The project focuses on open, innovative and easily accessible vocational (further) education and training for working with young people, embedded in the digital age.

The association of the project partners brings together different experiences, profiles and specific expertise that will support the development of a new digital methodology.

The dissemination and implementation of the results through the planned communication activities will both sharpen and broaden the profile of the teaching profession.

The results of the STDE project should be used by a wide audience. The target group includes teaching staff, trainees, academics, universities, adult education centres, NGOs, course providers and policy makers.


Aaron Reitbauer

Coordination EU-Projects

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